Workshop Information for sign ups

How is everyone handling this sudden onset of winter? It’s been quite a shock, especially since it led to the cancelling of our February meeting. Because of that cancellation, we are putting up information about the coming workshops here on the blog. This is going to be a long post, with lots of information in it. Grab your favourite beverage and settle in for a bit. If you wish to sign up for one or more of our guild’s workshops listed here, please contact Lorraine at

First up is the workshop on February 27th, called The London Caper. It’s a challenge workshop sponsored by Northcott Fabrics. They are providing us with a collection of fabric from one of their newer lines by Deborah Edwards. The fabrics are beautiful. The challenge has been designed to match the skill level of all participants. It will start at 9 am – punctuality is a must. Lunch is being provided. You can sign up for it by messaging Lorraine at the email address provided above.You can make your payment for it when you arrive at the workshop. The fee is $25.00. This challenge is also open to any non guild members who wish to participate.

Second is the workshop in March. This is being done by Al Cote’. He is the speaker for the March meeting and then his workshop will be on Friday, March 11. He and his wife owned and operated a quilt store for 11 years as a second career. The program committee has heard very good reports of his workshops from various other guilds. There are some pictures here of a workshop he did at the Orillia quilt guild. The $40.00 payment for this workshop can be done at the March meeting, but please don’t wait until then to sign up. It looks fascinating, and after all, since most of our beds and our walls have quilts, why not make some for the floors. The supply list for this workshop is:

– 3 to 5 different fabrics measuring 1/2 metre with a good selection of contrasting patterns and colours
– your sewing machine
– a  1/4 inch foot and a free motion or darning foot for your machine
– a small pair of VERY sharp scissors
– marking pencil or chalk
Again, contact Lorraine at the email address provided to sign up.

Third is the workshop in April. It will be held on Friday, April 15th.This is going to be by Joni Newman who will show us how to do stained glass quilts. She is offering a variety of patterns for sale for this workshop. We can either supply our own fabrics, or she also has kits for sale at various prices. I’ve included pictures of the various projects we can pick from. They are all gorgeous. We need to decide ahead of time which one we want to do so that the patterns and kits, if you want them, can be ordered ahead of time. The fee for this workshop is $40.00, plus the cost of the pattern and/or kit. Any questions you have can be answered at the March meeting. The kit prices include the black fabric. If we provide our own black, the prices would be $10-$15 less. Contact Lorraine to sign up for this workshop and Susan at with you pattern choice. Susan will then relay that information to Joni.


Here’s a description of the workshop and the supply list needed.

We have had requests from a couple of other guilds to pass on information to our members regarding some of their workshops, should any of us be interested.
The Thames Valley guild is hosting a Pineapple Block workshop with Shirley Bobier on Thursday March 10th The fee is $50.00 and includes the cost of the ruler. Contact Susan at
The Oxford Quilt guild is holding workshops with Elaine Quehl, Liberated Appliqué on March 3rd for $40.00 and Hosta Leaves on March 5th for $75.00. Contact Jean at

And finally, our Rummage sale will be held during the May guild meeting. So please hang onto your items for sale until then. And that’s all. Stay warm everyone, and see you in March.

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