Out in blogland, there are things called link parties. If you are familiar with these you can skip this next bit while I explain what they are. A blogger will write a post about some thing, celebrating hand stitching for example. Then that blogger will invite others to add links to their blogs talking about and showing their projects in a similar theme. The themes vary considerably,. It can be about works in progress, scrap quilts, hexagon piecing, finish celebrations. I’ve included links to some recent links parties here. The posts are almost always interesting and full of inspiration. The ones listed below here are favourites of mine, which I’ve participated in off and on over the years. Grab a cup of your favourite beverage, and take a trip blog surfing through all kinds of links.
A Canadian only link up at The Needle and Thread Network. This one happens every Wednesday. Click on the title below any of the small thumbnail pictures to go to that person’s blog. It works that way on all of the links parties.
This site, hosted by Lorna at Let’s Bee Social is also a Canadian blog, but she doesn’t limit her link ups to Canadians only. Scroll down to the end of the post that she wrote to find the link party. You may notice that there are duplicate entries from party to party. As an interesting side note, Lorna from this blog is coming to our guild to speak next year. She hosts this party weekly, as well
Kathy’s Quilts hosts a Slow Sunday Stitching links party every Sunday. It’s for hand stitching only. As a point of interest, she too is Canadian.
Angela at SoScrappy hosts a party every Saturday for people to show what they are doing for their Rainbow Scrap Challenge. Every months she picks a colour and then challenges quilters to make blocks or quilts out of their scraps and fabrics of that colour.
Amandajean, who blogs at Crazy Mom Quilts, hosts a weekly party to celebrate finished projects called Finish it up Friday. There are no pictures in her link ups, just the titles, which will take you to the person’s blog. Incidentally, Amandajean is the co-author of the book Sunday Morning Quilts, which I believe is in our library.
Judy, who blogs at Patchwork Times hosts a whole series of parties on various days. on Mondays she hosts Design Wall Mondays.
I hope you have fun reading through all these posts and get inspired.