Upcoming May Meeting

The next meeting of the London Friendship Quilters Guild will be held
Thursday, May 8th, 2014
7.00 PM
at St George’s Church on Dundas St
The May meeting is our Annual General Meeting where we discuss changes that may need to be made within the Guild.  This year we need to update our Constitution.  Please read the updated Constitution on the right sidebar so that you can join in the discussion.  We will also be discussing the Newsletter.  The discussion will include whether we need to continue having a newsletter, what should be included in the content of the newsletter and if there is a Guild Member who is willing to be the Newsletter Editor.
The Guild Members who have volunteered to be on the 2014-15 Executive will be presented.  However, nominations from the floor for all positions will be accepted and if necessary, a vote will be held.
Also, at this meeting we will be seeing the Challenge Quilts made by Guild Members for the “Road Runs Through It” challenge.  There will be prizes awarded in 5 different categories for this challenge.
We will be having “tea, juice and treats” at break time during this meeting, so remember to bring your own mug.
Pat B., our Librarian, wants to remind all guild members who have books out of the Library, that they need to be returned by the May Meeting.  Also, no books can be taken out at the May Meeting.
Upcoming Quilt Shows taking place in Ontario include:
May 9-11 in Ottawa
May 19-24 in Ailsa Craig
June 6-7 in Mildmay
June 11-14 in St Catharines
For more information on these shows check the links on the right sidebar.
Information for the meeting:
*Sign-up sheets for-
The June 14th Bus trip to  Quilt Canada 2014 in St.Catharines
Tickets for our annual Banquet (June 12th)
will be available-remember to bring your cheque books
*Bring “Show and Tell” to share with other members (no more than 2 items)
*London Roads blocks for our Quilt Show Raffle Quilt
*2 1/2″ X WOF strips in autumn colours for next years Quilts of Valour
*Wine bags for CQA
*All Library Books
*Receive draw tickets (for a fat quarter) for bringing the following items-
    ** Name tag
    ** A Mug for break time
    **”Notion of the Month”-  A 6 1/2″ square of quilt shop quality cotton fabric ( to be used as     Quilters’ Candy for our Quilt Show)

See you Thursday!!

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