On April 15th a group of us, maybe 15, met to work on a variety of stained glass quilts designed by Joni Newman. We had all done our homework, which involved tracing the design onto our black fabric and again onto our fusible web. That meant that, after a bit of guidance on how to proceed from Joni, we were ready to start cutting and placing our fabrics. It was so much fun to see the variety in the designs chosen, and also the variety of fabrics. Some of us bought kits from Joni, and some of us brought our own fabrics. Susan,
Edith, Yvonne
and Lorraine are all hard at play with their fabrics, scissors and irons. Any of these pictures can be clicked on to be biggie sized. Some of us fused our pieces down as we went, and some pinned, wanting to make sure that everything was where they wanted first. I didn’t keep track of who was doing which project, so the rest of these are pictures at various stages of construction. It was a great workshop, with Joni as an instructive and fun teacher. For more pictures, go to out group’s google photos page here.