We started our year off with a great meeting. The first order of business was the executive reports. They took a while, as we had to get all caught up on all the happenings. After all the reports, we took a break, and had an opportunity to go around and visit, sign up for workshops, and to vote on the five submissions for the challenge that was issues last year to create a piece to interpret the theme “35”, in honour of the guild’s 35th anniversary this year.
After our break we were treated to a Power Point lecture by Johanna Masko.
It was interesting to see her way of sorting her scraps. She has four large tubs sorted according to light neutral, dark neutral, colours, and one more that I don’t remember. She pulls her fabrics from those, rather than pre-cutting into set sizes. She has definite ideas about what is and is not a scrap quilt. She defines this appliqué quilt, with the leaves all string pieced is definitely scrappy. But she thinks that a quilt made from a single collection of fabrics isn’t.
After her power point presentation, we got to see some of her quilts, all made from her scraps. There was a beautiful Log Cabin
and a fun Tumbler.
This one was made from a wide variety of blues, in a repeating rectangular shape.
After Johanna’s presentation, we were treated to members’ show and tell.
Nancy brought some baby quilts.
Barb showed this lovely grey and pink.
Mibsie showed her gorgeous appliqué piece.
Toni brought her finished stained glass picture from a workshop from last year.
And Sharon brought a quilt she made featuring a night sky line. There are more photos here on our Google photos page from the meeting.