October Meeting: Michelle Dobrin

Michelle Dobrin
October’s guild meeting definitely had that WOW! factor. Self taught fibre artist, Michelle Dobrin kept us fascinated with her amazing works of art. Romanian born, but currently residing in Windsor Ontario, Michelle began quilting just 12 years ago, many of her early works featured insects, which were inspired by her biology studies.

Michelle creates incredible art using fabrics (Batiks and Hand dyes are her fabric of choice) she paints and dyes dryer sheets, cheesecloth, specialty yarns, beads, Tyvec & even tea bags.
Her computer is used extensively to alter and manipulate photos that become the focal point of her gorgeous landscapes. Her pieces also include fabric bowls, jewelry, book marks, and note cards.

She was delighted to share with us that her work has twice been chosen to be part of the Quilting Arts annual calendar and had a piece accepted into this year’s CQA National Juried show.
Michelle generously shared many of her secrets of how she arrives at the finished work. She is a most talented and inspiring artist………Thanks Michelle

Guild Business:
Rose welcomed 2 guests and 5 new members.
Deb J was given a “gift” as a thank you for her past service to the guild
taking care of the duties involved with membership. Thanks Deb!

Gift Basket draw winner: Beth Y

Submitted by Jill B.

….thanks Jill! (Ed.)

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