Our November meeting was held last Thursday at Oakridge Presbyterian Church. The room we were in was nice and bright and many members made positive comments about the location.
President Micki spoke to us about using this church for a
Quilt Show in October 2014. This also met with approval from the members. Charlene O. has volunteered to be the Chairperson for the quilt show as long as she gets lots of help! Thanks, Charlene!!!
Lorna told us about the results of last months questionnaire. The results indicate that the bus trip to the CQA show in June, “Sew in Days” at the church and a June Banquet are events that the membership would like to participate in. Tickets for the bus trip will go on sale in January.
Anita Zobens from Cotton Mill Threadworks in Dundas, ON was our speaker for the evening. Her talk “Choosing Threads Fearlessly” was very informative and should open up many of us to using different threads in our quilts.
Anita was also our vendor for the meeting and her beautiful display of threads made it easy to pick the perfect thread for the next project on everyone’s “to do” list.
Anita has shared a document with us that includes a lot of the information that she told us during her talk. It is named “Thread Education by Dr Bob 2012”. It is “Posted with permission from Bob Purcell, www.superiorthreads.com“. It is a large document, so it might take some time to open. To view the document go to the
“Miscellaneous Links” section on the right sidebar.
Anita Zobens |