The next meeting of the London Friendship Quilt Guild will be held Thursday, May 12th at 7:00 p.m. at St. George’s Presbyterian Church on Dundas Street. This will be our Annual General Meeting and voting will take place for our favourite entries in the President’s Challenge.
Nominations – We are still in need of nominations for Vice – President, as well as Program Coordinator. We have members that have volunteered to let their name stand for the other positions, but nominations can still be made at the AGM for any of the positions. Another volunteer is needed to help with tickets at the registration table starting in September as well as someone to take care of the Postcard program. Here is your chance to get involved with the guild, make new friends and have fun!
We will also vote on the revised and updated Guild Constitution.
President’s Challenge – Please bring along your entry in a bag and give it to Rose, our President. Attach a note (without your name) with any description and how you met the measurement of 30 in your entry. Cover any identifying info on your quilt. We will vote on our favourites during the break. We look forward to seeing all the clever interpretations of the theme!
Don’t forget…….
Notion of the month – Spring Flowers – interpret this any way you like
Change for draw tickets
Chequebook for the June banquet tickets. You will have a choice of Salmon or Chicken Breast. Please advise with any dietary restrictions when purchasing your ticket.
Chequebook for tickets for the CQA – Phyllis Grover will have tickets available for various events.
Name tag
Library Books – last chance to bring back your library books!
Pillowcases for challenge – this is the last month for bringing pillowcases for the challenge that Mickey organized. She will not be able to come to this meeting, so give your pillowcases to Maureen. You can continue to make pillowcases after this month for the Kid’s Quilt program as they are very popular.
Refreshments – Cake and juice will be provided for all our members at this meeting.
Show and tell – last chance for the year for show and tell!