Guest Speaker: Reta Budd
Reta is a quilter from Oxford County who specializes in landscapes. She finds her inspiration in the nature around her. “Nature reaches deep into my being and touching my soul, demands expression,” she says. You can see some of this expression here, but I can’t wait to see it up close and in person on Thursday night!
Secret Notion: In celebration of upcoming St. Patrick’s day, this will be a little trickier than usual, we would like you to bring any Clover product notion. Of course you will also receive a ticket for the fat quarter draw if you bring your name tag and a ticket for bringing your guild chatelaine.
March’s free table topper workshop is full and there is a waiting list, but there is still room for Kay Hannah’s No More UFO’s workshop on Friday, April 11, cost $25. Remember that New Year’s resolution to use up your stash? This one will help!
Reminder that May’s meeting will be our AGM and the deadline for your Guild Challenge! We gave you a beautiful fat quarter, we want to see you use it! It’s only 2 months away! Think Fish!
A little word about our AGM (Annual General Meeting) in May, this will be the meeting where we vote for next year’s executive. According to the constitution a committee, consisting of the Vice-President and 2 non-executive members of the guild, must present a slate of candidates for the General meeting in April. We are looking for 2 non-executive guild members to volunteer for this committee. If you are interested please contact Cynthia M-R or Rose.
Last minute reminders:
*Show and Share
*Bring your own snack
*Loose change for basket draw
*Postcard exchange