September is here!!!! That means good news to quilters…the start of quilt guild meetings, quilt shows, cooler weather, quilt shop hops, fabric fixes and all things fiber related! The executive had their first meeting of the new season yesterday and there was definitely a buzz of excitement in the air about all the neat things planned for the new year. Our first meeting is
Thursday, September 13, 2012
@ 7:00 p.m.
St. George’s Presbyterian Church,
1475 Dundas St. London, ON
(just east of Hale St on the south side of Dundas).
Our speaker for the evening will be:
Amy Hart
of Campbellville, ON
She will sharing her quilting journey with us showing some of the wonderful quilts she has made over the years. And, yes, we are having a vendor of the month for September so bring your pennies for your fabric fix :-). Our vendor is:
Cherished Pieces of Tillsonburg, ON
Some information for the meeting:
* refreshments will be served for our first meeting, but you don’t have to bring your mug this time 🙂
*Bring registration forms for Guild membership along (be sure to fill out BOTH pages that were in your newsletter). Extra forms will be available at the meeting.
*Quilt show registration forms
*show and tell
*sign up sheet will be available for volunteering for the Quilt Show
*sign ups will be available for a new mystery quilt project this year
*sign ups will be available for October and November workshops and Quilt til you wilt (see below)
*the Outreach Committee will have quilts to work on and pillowcases
Receive a draw ticket for bringing each these items:
** Notion of the month – bring four 6″ fabric squares for the Quilt Show Committee to make favours
**Name tag
New Members and Visitors: don’t be afraid to ask questions! Visit the Membership table when you arrive and you will be welcomed and questions will be answered for you.
Advance notices:
*we will be making placemats again this year for Meals on Wheels – due in December
*Mystery Quilts for show and tell to October meeting.
* bring freezable goodies to the October meeting for the tea room for the Quilt Show (or bring fresh on show day).
*October speaker will be Nina Stahlschmidt on Feedsacks. Workshop on the Saturday following on using vintage hankies, linens, etc. Samples will be at the September meeting as well as sign up sheets.
*mark Wednesday, October 24th on your calendars 1:00 to 7:00 p.m. for quilt drop off for the show
*mark Thursday, October 25th on your calendars 10:00 a.m. – ? for setting up the Quilt show
*Quilt til you Wilt – November 17th at St. George’s Church, 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. $45.00. Sign ups at Sept. and October meeting.
*November speaker will be Martha Schellingerhoud with a workshop on the Friday.