On Thursday, May 10, 2012, the London Friendship Quilt Guild held their annual general meeting chaired by our very capable co co President, Lynda.
We were very excited that we had a full slate of nominees for all the positions which were open. Welcome to all the new members of the executive! We look forward to working together to provide another exciting year for our quilt guild.
We also enjoyed tea and wonderful piece of carrot cake iced especially for our guild in a quilting theme. They were even the correct colours for our guild!! Don’t they look lovely? They tasted very good too.
there were some lovely mugs! |
Our guest speaker was Elaine Quehl of Ottawa, Ontario. She presented a power point presentation and showed about 20 of her quilts. The lights played a little havoc with the camera light, so some of the colours are not accurate. They can also be viewed on her website in the gallery here.
More photos of the evening can be seen here.
Our last meeting of the year will be the annual banquet. We hope to see you all there. It will be held in St. Thomas at the renovated train station, a beautiful venue. A re-enactor/story teller will be our speaker for the evening. It will be a wonderful end of the year and you won’t want to miss it. You will be able to sit back, relax with great quilting friends, enjoy a tasty dinner, be entertained and maybe even win a door prize!! Click here to arrange for tickets. Directions will be posted shortly, so keep an eye on the blog and there will also be information for those who wish to carpool to St. Thomas.