May 8th, 2014 Meeting

Last Thursday’s Meeting was our Annual General Meeting.  There were discussions regarding important topics relevant to the 2013-14 year and to the upcoming (2014-15) year. 
The revised Constitution was accepted by the members. To read the Constitution see the right side bar.
There was also a discussion about the Newsletter.  Although some of the members find the Newsletter to be very worthwhile, our Newsletter Editor Beve J received very little input from the members over the past year. President Micki A, asked if there was anyone willing to be the Newsletter Editor for 2014-15.There was no volunteer from the membership.  A motion was made to put the Newsletter on hold for the upcoming year and to revisit it at the end of the year.  This motion was passed.
There was a discussion regarding replacing some of our Quilt Stands that have warped.  A motion was presented to allow up to $2000.00 to be used to replace some of the Quilt Stands.  This motion passed.
President Micki then asked if there were any nominations from the floor for any of the Executive positions for the upcoming year. There were no nominations from the floor.  Micki then presented the members who have volunteered to be on the Executive for 2014-15. 
They are:
President-Micki A.
Vice President-vacant
Program Chair-Lorna M.
Treasurer-Kathy V.
Secretary-Yvette D.
Membership-Amalia S.
Community Outreach Chair-Edith W.
Librarian-Kim Z. and Rachel M.
Blog Editor-Maureen H.
Newsletter Editor-vacant
Quilt Show Chair-Charlene O.
This executive has been accepted by the guild.
The outgoing executive then read their end of the year reports.  These reports are available to be read in the Library.

Included in Edith W’s year end report (Community Outreach) were some very impressive numbers regarding the donations made during the past year.  They include Quilts donated to Childrens Aid-43, Quilts donated to Quilts of Valour-11, Quilt donated to a veteran at Parkwood Hospital-1, Pillowcases donated to Childrens Aid and
QOV-104 and Placemats donated to Meals On Wheels-112.

Edith W and Jack Cox from QOV

Thank you to Edith and her committee and to all members who donated their time and expertise over the past year.

Yvette D told us about “Tampon Tuesdays”, an initiative to help the London Food Bank gather donations of feminine hygiene products.  Guild members who are attending the June Banquet are asked to bring one container of a feminine hygiene product.  We may continue this in the new guild year.  We may be able to use this initiative to promote our Quilt Show.  Yvette will keep us updated.

Charlene (Quilt Show Chair) gave us an update on the Quilt Show.  She has been able to get a license to allow us to have a raffle of our “London Roads Quilt“.  In August and September guild members will be going to local malls to sell raffle tickets.  The committee has been working on a brochure about the guild that they will be able to hand out to interested people in the malls and at the quilt show.  Edith W. who is in charge of organizing volunteers for the quilt show will now start to sign up anyone who wants a specific time slot.

Some of the donated “London Road” blocks ready to be sewn into quilt

We had 2 special guests at the meeting. They were Pat O. and Pat P. from the Elgin Piecemakers.

Jacqui VMS introducing Pat O. and Pat P.

They were the Judges for our “A Road Runs Through It” Challenge.  They brought some of their own quilts to show us.

(Sorry for the over exposure on some of the pictures, I was having camera difficulties)

“Road Runs Through It Challenge”

The 2 Pats had 4 categories in which to pick winners and there also was a Viewers Choice category.  There were 13 entries submitted by guild members. I am sure that their decisions were not easy, all of the quilts were wonderful.

Lorna, Maureen, Tiny and Cathy with their Challenge Quilts

The winners were Lorna M-Best Use of Space, Cathy S-Best Use of Quilting as an Enhancement of Piece, Maureen H-Best Interpretation of Theme and Tiny C who won both Judges’ Choice and Viewers’ Choice.
To  see all of the Challenge Quilts, click here.

The meeting ended with more great Show and Tell and with our draws for fat quarters and the gift basket.

Cynthia’s Cat Quilt

Lyndsey’s Quilt

Teresa’s Rag Quilt

Betty’s Stars for My Friends Quilt

Micki and Penny with her Quilt

To see more pictures from the meeting and Show and Tell click here.

See you at Fanshawe Pioneer Village for our Banquet in June!

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