March 14 meeting

When Valerie Wilson’s flight was cancelled Kim and her committee came up with a plan.  It was Member Promotion night.  We have members who own quilt stores, online quilt related businesses and published authors.  We have members who are also into other crafts such as embroidery and felting.  And we were very interested to learn these things.  This was a fabulous idea!!!
First Teresa talked about an introduction letter from our CQA representative Diane Carson who is willing to attend a meeting to speak with us.  We have 94 members now. Edith reported that Penny delivered 6 quilts to CAS and she will bring 5 quilts to Rotholme House after Valerie Wilson stays at her house Monday.  Edith shared that 5 quilts and 2 tops and pillowcases were brought in that evening. Please share any new emails with Judy our membership coordinator.  Thank you.
Member sharing:
Joan Hilhorst is a member of our guild.  She opened her quilt store Sew Creative in Mt Brydges in 2007. She has lots of fabric and also is a Pfaff dealer. In April Joan will have an event that showcases the Pfaff Quilting frame that needs a 10 inch throat machine.  It is free and sign up will be available on her website. Joan sells Westalee rulers and teaches classes on their use. Wetalee rulers are used on your domestic machine with free motion.  She showed us a quilt that is called Farm Sweet Farm with fabric by Laura Holt and designed by Ryley Blake. This is a sew along that started on January 28.  A link to her store’s website is on the right hand side of the blog. Joan told us she is waiting for new fabric from Tula Pink and William Morris!!
Judy Balint is a member of our guild.  Cornorstone Quilts and More is Reopening its doors today at #7a 1615 Routledge Park Road in London.  It has been about 2 years since her previous store was destroyed in a fire.  She began her first store with 300 bolts of fabric in her basement.  Judy is quite excited about the layout of her new space. It is open concept and the walls are gray with a gray floor. There is a Bat cave where batting will be kept… There is a seating area with coffee and tea.  Popcorn will be available each day at 3 pm.  Judy will offer classes including a few taught by Cathy Shepherd and Libby Valeriani who are members of our guild. There will be a class on Kuminimo which is the Japanese art of braiding.  She will be having fabric dyeing classes and a Block of the month. At this time Judy has a Facebook page.
Cathy Shepherd is a member of the guild.  She is also the owner of Eagle Wings Quilts which is an online store. Cathy sells English Paper Piecing papers and acrylics as well as patterns.  There are also books available. Custom templates and sizes can be ordered.  A link to her online store is on the right hand side of the blog.
Toni Smith is a member of our guild.  She owns  Toni has been selling her original Comic Book and Video Game quilts at conventions for years.  She travels to teach classes, lecture and give talk shows.  Recently she published a book – Designing Block Quilts.  She has donated a copy to our library.  Toni has quite the schedule booked for 2019 being a vendor at Regeneration Who in Rockville, MD, Awesome Con in Washington DC and Spring Quilt Market in Kansas City in May to name a few of the places she will be.
Susan Day  is a member of our guild.  She does contract work for Toni. At the last trade show where Toni was a vendor and Susan went with her, Susan was contracted by Tammy Silvers from Island Batiks to sew  a quilt for her. She may be sewing for other designers in the future…
Pat Ferry is a member of our guild. She teaches classes at Krafty Kennedys and the Fabricland on Wonderland Road.  She teaches kids classes as well as learn to quilt classes.
Anne Lyons is a member of our guild.  She works at the Marsh Store. What you may not know is that she teaches quilting classes at her home on paper piecing and beginning quilting and more…  She now has a long arm and does overall meander and is  getting into pantographs.  If interested contact her and incidentally your quilt could be dropped off and picked up at the March store for convenience.
Our vendor for the evening was the Marsh Store, now owned by Tracy Hillman. She donated a jelly roll to our draw.  Thank you. The Marsh Store became hers in January 2019.  They put in a new bathroom and painted and painted.  The upstairs has an apartment that has been rented out for several months. There also will be a classroom, no classes yet…  The Marsh Store is taking part in the Stonehenge Solstice – a Quilt Challenge with the first prize being a trip to England.  Basically you purchase blocks from at least 12 stores and create a quilt to be entered.  The blocks are available starting March 15 to September 2019 and you have until the end of December to enter your quilt. Tracy has Sew Fresh Designs and fabric is coming in weekly. 

Show and Tell


Chris – what she worked on that day
Diana created this 3 d flower wallhanging when she was living in her Fifth Wheel full time.
Manni shared her very first quilt from the early nineties, which is awaiting being quilted. 
Manni’s row by row from a few years ago (Cornerstones Quilts)
Ronda – dresden plate appliqued cushions
Ronda – hand quilted 12 block sampler
Lina – barnyard quilt
Lina – Shibori quilt
Lina- Daisy
Linda L – cross stitch of wildflowers
Cathy V – Spinning snowflakes
Madge – Canada 150 quilt designed by Shania Sunga
Susan A 
Gail M-L Quilt Con mini swap
Gail M-L – wall hanging had the word Sew – Gail added the Just
Lorna – 
Lorna – 
Yvonne – small felting project and St Patrick’s day table runner

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