It’s guild meeting week…..

Didn’t I just do this a week ago? Wasn’t the last meeting just a couple of days ago? Am I the only one who thinks that time is going way too fast? Please tell me I’m not…….
Anyway, the guild meeting is this week. Our speaker for November is Karen Howes. She has a blog that you can check out here. She is giving a trunk show of her quilts, and then is doing a workshop on English Paper Piecing on Friday. There is preparatory homework required for this workshop. Our vendor for the meeting is going to be Maria from Stitch It Central in Ingersoll.
Here are some reminders for what to bring to this meeting. Any of us who have made blocks for the charity quilt need to bring them to this meeting. Lorna will be sewing the quilt together this month in order to have it ready for donation before Christmas. If you have made any of the stockings for My SIster’s Place, please bring what you have done, so that we can get an idea of how many are done and how many more are needed. As stated in the last post, My Sister’s Place can only use them if they have enough for everyone. They estimate that they will need over 300.
Remember to bring and wear your name tag and your chatelaine. Each of these will get you a free ticket for the fat quarter draws. If you are following along on the blog sampler, bring this month’s finished blocks, which are the Pinwheel and the Hour Glass. Each of these will also get you a free ticket for the fat quarter draws.
Finally, our notion for the month is something purple. This is in honour of the organization called Take Back the Night, whose colour representation is purple. This month’s march to draw awareness to the cause of fighting violence against women is taking place this Friday at Victoria Park. I couldn’t find any information about this year’s activity, but here’s a link to a news article from last year. Take Back the Night.
As a reminder since winter is coming, when the weather is bad and it looks like the meeting might be cancelled due to weather conditions, check the blog directly. There is sometimes a delay between the post being written and its delivery to your emails. If the meeting has to be cancelled, notification will be here on the blog during the afternoon on the day of the meeting.
See you all Thursday.

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