Guild Meeting, May 12, 2016

This month was the time for our annual business meeting. We had the report from the various committees on the executive, and then voted on the members for next year’s executive. They have all stayed the same, with the exception of Anne L. will remain on the program committee, but will no longer be co-chair person. We finished all the business in record time, in order to be able to take advantage of the wonderful treats and to shop till we dropped.
Due to the February meeting being cancelled, we had to postpone our annual rummage sale. In addition to articles our members brought for sale, Karen W.’s family donated her fabrics, patterns and other odds and ends to be sold at the rummage sale. All of the proceeds go to our outreach committee 
in order to finance their needs for fabrics and battings for all the quilts that go to so many great causes. The tables were pretty empty by the time the sale was over.
After the rummage sale we had member show and tell.
A shop hop sampler, I think by Maureen H. If I’m wrong, let me know and I’ll change it. Pam S, a new member this year, brought her Disappearing four Patch and also a modern quilt that she’d made.  Gail brought a quilt top that she put together for the evacuees at Fort MacMurray. Anne brought her stained glass moose from last month’s workshop with Joni N. Lorraine brought her rug from the workshop in March with All Cote.
There are more pictures from the May meeting on our photo sharing page here. Some of them aren’t the greatest, as I’m getting used to using the new camera. So far, it seems to be working well. Any issues with the pictures have been user error.
Also, I received a comment on the blog from Pat F. stating that she bought an Attic Windows tool from at the rummage sale. She says that the instructions for the tool are there, but the actual tool is missing. Anyone have a triangular ruler tool that they can’t account for?

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