Full House!

Welcome back ladies! and new members, too! It was a full house for our first meeting, so full that we got a late start and ended late! But it was worth it to see the projects that our members have been working on over the summer and the Tiny Treasures that Pat Menary brought for her trunk show.

Because Pat’s work is so tiny, a clothesline was hung up in the middle of the room so members could get a better look at all her minis.

Pat has been fascinated with miniatures ever since she acquired her first doll quilt as a child. She moved from collecting doll quilts, to making doll quilts, to collecting fabrics to make mini quilts. She explained that a true mini quilt should be to scale, from the stitches to the thinnest threads, small prints, and proportion of blocks and sashing. Even the batting can be a problem, as the smaller the quilt is, the stiffer the quilt gets. She has resorted to separating her batting into a thinner layers in order to get a good “drape” to the tiny quilt.

These details are very important if you plan on entering your minis to be judged. Pat has won many ribbons for her tiny quilts and was a regular contributor to the now defunct Miniature Quilts Magazine.

Pat’s quilting has evolved over time, and she is moving away from traditional blocks and into more abstract fiber art, some of which she has framed and displayed on the tables.

Below our members volunteer to walk around with some of these tiny quilts so we could get a better look.

Just when you thought they could get no smaller!

Amazing work! The LFQG would like to thank Pat Menary for visiting our guild and sharing her Tiny Treasures, and staying so late! Thanks again!

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