It was an ugly Christmas themed evening for the December meeting. Members were encouraged to wear their ugly/funky/festive Christmas sweaters to the meeting. The best, or worst depending on your point of view, were voted on. These three were the winners.
The theme continued into the crafts.
We had our annual parade of placements that were collected for the Meals on Wheels organization. We ended up with a total of 130 placemats.
And then there was show and tell. Joan, Bonnie and Yvonne Made up a quilt for the Veteran’s Care Palliative Care Rooms on a retreat they went on a few weeks ago.
Susan showed her finished pillow from the workshop led by Lorna McMahon.
Lorna showed her absolutely insane houses wall hanging. Those houses are tiny!
Toni showed her game character quilt.
For more pictures from the meeting, go here.