CQA/ACC Quilt Ontario 2011, London is a go and the official Local Organizing Committee (LOC) met for the first time in early July. Your LOC team are:
Chair…………………………………….Rose Bowlby
Secretary………………………………Carol Vandenberg
Publicity………………………………..Carol Vandenberg
Merchant’s Mall…………………….Karen Cole
Volunteers……………………………..Diane Carson
Invitational Show…………………..Cynthia Norris
Trend Tex Challenge Show & Silent Auction…Carolann Jess
Workshops…………………………….Gwen Tracey
Baquet & Special Events…………Christine Rachar
National Juried Show……………….vacant
They have a couple of announcements to make to the London Friendship Quilters’ Guild, and Huron Perth, Oxford, and Thames Valley Guilds.
There is still one vacancy available on the Local Organizing Committee.
We are looking for someone with previous experience hanging a show to be the Coordinator of the National Juried Show (NJS). Someone with experience hanging juried quilt shows would be ideal. This person would be responsible for receiving the entries, planning the layout of the show, hanging the show, and preparing the show for judging. The NJS Coordinator must be available during judging and dismantling of the show, as well as returning the quilts. This person must be able to work closely with CQA Board Liason and understand that the CQA runs the NJS and controls the type and number of items to be displayed and therefore must be consulted on all aspects of the show. If you are interested in this position, please email us at lfqguild at yahoo dot ca, and put “NJS coordinator” in the subject heading.
We are having a contest!
We are inviting members of each of the above guilds to help us design a logo for this event that will be used on everything associated with this wonderful event. The winner will receive $100 and recognition is given to the person who creates the design on the call for entry and the CQA website. The winner will be selected by the members of the Local Organizing Committee.
The logo:
– must contain the words CQA/ACC Quilt Ontario 2011, London;
– should be representative of quilting and London as the Forest City;
– may include the tag line: Branching Out;
– must be an original pen or ink drawing on 8.5×11 white paper;
– must have the creator’s name, address, phone number and guild on the back of the submission;
– members of the LOC or their relatives are not allowed to enter the competition.
The deadline for submissions is October 31st, 2009. Winners will be announced at LFQGuild Meeting on November 12, 2009 and posted on the LFQG blog. Submissions can be mailed to:
Logo Contest c/o
London Friendship Quilters’ Guild
P.O. Box 25662
London, Ontario
N6C 6B3
Or can be submitted personally to the following people when guild meetings resume in September: Carol Vandenberg (LFQG), Carolann Jess (Thames Valley Guild), Diane Carson (Huron Perth Guild), Gwen Tracey (Oxford Guild).