
Bingo and Rummage Sale was a great success! Many donations came in and not many were left at the end of the day.

As I walked around during the Bingo I was surprised to find the many different items people used for markers, not just buttons, but safety pins, coins, and paper squares.

Completed Heather Stewart Cobblestone tops are starting to appear at Show and Share!

Elaine T. donated these 2 completed quilts to the outreach, Thanks Elaine! Penny reported that she dropped off another 14 quilts to Children’s Aid!

I managed to catch the beginning of Jill’s Machine Quilting workshop on Saturday morning. She offered many tips on how to bat up and baste your quilts.

As well as tips on how to practice and get into motions of machine quilting. She says she often sketches out patterns in her sketch book and goes over and over them to get the rhythm of the pattern.

She also found this wonderful product at the Marsh Store called The Skill Builder. It is a pre-printed cloth with many quilting patterns on it. The idea is that you sew over the lines without thread to practice the patterns. She explains it in more detail on her blog The Quilt Rat.

Jill has already posted many more photos of her workshop on her own blog, you can check it out here and here. You can also check out what The Cozy Quilter experienced at the workshop.

This was a free workshop offered by Jill. Thank you Jill!!! The only condition was that each participant take home a kid’s quilt from Outreach and put into practice their new found machine quilting skills. Penny reports 17 quilts were handed out. We look forward to the results! Those who participated in the workshop had a great time and felt Jill was very prepared and professional and they learned a lot. Great job!

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