Next Meeting:
Thursday, April 12 at 7:15PM at St George’s Presbyterian Church, 1475 Dundas St. E.
Web Page and Launch: Our new web page is up and running! Please check out this link: There is still room for tweaking, so your comments and suggestions are welcome. We would like to thank Cynthia M-R’s son, Nick for all his hard work putting it up!
Door Prizes: Remember, you can receive a ticket for the door prizes if you remember to wear your name tag, and your chalelaine, and bring your own mug, 1 ticket for each item brought. This month we are introducing a 4th ticket opportunity! Inspired by the upcoming ‘Gizmos and Gadgets’ talk, we will ask you to bring a Secret Notion, that will only be revealed on the blog the week before the next meeting. This is of course to encourage the members to check out the blog on a regular basis.
This week’s Secret Notion: a thimble. Go ahead, find a thimble and tuck it into the pocket of your chatelaine now, so you don’t forget to bring it to the next meeting!
Guest speaker: Lisa Hill, who has a home based business out of Tilbury, Soft Impressions by Lisa, specializing in Quilting books, notions, and supplies, will be giving a talk on “Gadgets and Gizmos”. Bring some extra money, as she will have some of her products and books for sale. She can be reached at
Bus trip to the Waterloo Quilt Festival: There has been a cancellation, so there is a spot available for the Saturday, May 26th day long bus trip. Also, final payments are due at this meeting for the trip.
Stitch ‘n Bitch: Barb has generously offered up her cottage in Grand Bend on Saturday, April 28, 10-4PM. This is a great day to work on UFO’s, but unlike the Quilt ’til you Wilt day, this is not catered but is a pot luck. So all those participating shall have to provide a food or meal donation. Details and a sign up sheet shall be provided at the meeting.
2007 Quilted Placemats Challenge: This year’s quilt challenge is to make placemats that will be donated to Meals on Wheels, who will then distribute them to their clients with a meal. Your placemat is due for the May meeting, our AGM, where they will be displayed for all to see.
Year End Banquet: Thursday, June 14th, at the Stoneridge Inn, price is $40.00. Our guest speaker will be Joan Reive, a quiltmaker and artist from Belleville, Ontario. She has produced a large body of work in both paint and fabric in a variety of styles and has won numerous awards. Tickets will be on sale at the next meeting.