Dear Sunbonnet Sue: Mitered Borders

Dear Sunbonnet Sue:

I would like to try to do mitered corners on the quilt top I am working on. What is the easiest way to do this? The quilt top has a 1.5 inch inner border and a 4.5 inch outer border. Would it be easier to stitch them together before attaching them to the top, stitch them to the quilt and then miter the corners?

Thank you,
Debbie S.


Thanks for your question. The short answer to your question is yes, stitch them together first, then to the quilt and then miter the corners. This way your seam will be continuous and straight.

Mitered borders come together at an angle from the corner of the quilt, like a frame used for pictures. Here are some links to instructions on how to miter corners:

McCalls Quilting, Fons and Porter, and Quilt Frenzy that has super detailed photos of the process.

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