Guest Speaker: Babs ‘n Jas Designs, writers and crafters Barbara Hayworth-Attard and Judy Ann Sadler will talk about their separate carreers and how they came together to form Babs ‘n Jas Designs. Lots of show and tell will accompany their talk and of course their patterns will be available for sale.
Happy Valentine’s Day Quilters! This month’s Secret Notion is a 6 inch square of fabric that contains some red in it for Lily’s memorial quilt. Those that bring one will receive a ticket for the fat quarter draw; tickets will be issue to those who bring their name tag and chatelaines as well!
Last December, members of our executive did Christmas craft workshops, now it is your turn! Cynthia M-R is asking members to join her in volunteering their skills for the President’s Quilting Skills Workshop in May. We know we have a very talented and experienced group of quilters among us who could share their skills with all of us, especially some of our beginner quilters. If you think you have some knowledge or skill in one of these areas, let us know!
Binding technique(s)
Paper piecing
Batting up a quilt
Applique technique(s)
Other suggestions are welcome!
The workshop will take place on Saturday, May 23rd at St George’s from 9:30 – 4. There will be a morning and an afternoon session. Members will be asked to sign up for one workshop in the morning and/or one workshop in the afternoon. Sign up sheets will be available at the April and May meetings.
Have you started your President’s Challenge: O Canada yet? It’s already February and before you know it Spring is calling and the demands from our gardens will be drawing outside and then it is May. Don’t delay and start your project now! Having trouble getting started? Go fabric shopping, maybe you will find that fabric that calls O Canada! or word associate…write down all the things that makes you think of Canada, maybe one of those things will get the ideas flowing! Don’t forget your piece has to have some sort of maple leaf on the front of the project! Other guidelines for the challenge can be found here.
Show and Share
Library book returns
Sign ups: Open Thread Bar with Anita Zobens, Saturday March 28
Secret Notion, Nametag, and Chatelaine
Fabric Postcards