Guest Speaker: Our own Jacquie V-S and her husband Jake buy and sell antique sewing machines. They will be bringing in some machines to show us and will also talk about care and maintenance of your sewing machine. So if you have any questions about that sewing machine you’ve just inherited, write down as much info about the machine as possible and perhaps they can answer your questions. I’m looking forward to this informative demonstration and discussion!
Secret Notion: It’s not easy being green! In celebration of St Patrick’s day, the secret notion is a bobbin with green thread! Tickets for the draw will also be given for wearing your nametag and chatelaine.
Monday, March 9, 7PM Batt-up Kids’ Quilts with Penny, cost, your time; reward, comfort to a child in need.
Saturday, March 28, Anita Zobens’ Open Thread Bar workshop, cost $25
Saturday, May 2, President’s Workshop Table Runner, cost $5
Saturday, May 23 Skills Building Workshops, cost $5
Thursday, June 11 Banquet, Highland Country Club, guest speaker Susan Norman, cost $40
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Fabric Postcards
Library book returns…just a reminder, there is a fee for late books.