This year’s AGM started with the business. Each executive member gave their yearly report. A print version of the report will be available at the June banquet and in the Library. Next, the membership elected the new executive for next year:
President: Rose B
Thank you’s go to Paulette L & Ann R for doing reception and to Cynthia N for the postcard exchange during the past year! Kudos!
This year’s President’s challenge was O Canada. Participants were asked to create a piece that reflected what Canada means to them and it had to have a maple leaf on the front. 15 members participated and the whole membership was asked to choose their favourite by secret ballot and not knowing who did which piece.
You can view a slideshow of all the entries with description here. Those that won received gift certificates and a Canada flag pin. All members attending the meeting received a maple leaf pin as a gift from the outgoing president, Cynthia M-R.
I’ve also got the photos from the Guild Challenge for 2007, the placemats that were donated to Meals on Wheels. You can view them here. I will also put links on the sidebar for future reference.