Quilt Show Committee
Lorraine S had the pleasure of introducing the 2010 Harvest of Quilts Show Committee at the meeting. A message from the various committee members can be found in the April/May newsletter. Your Quilt Show Committee members are:
Chair: Maria D, VP LFQG
Volunteer Coordinators: Edith W and Lorraine J.
Sign up sheets will be available at each meeting.
Publicity: Jessie G
Jessie reported that flyers and bookmarks were ready to be distributed. If anyone would like to take some to distribute please contact her.
Vendors Mall: Teresa DJ
Teresa DJ reported that the we have an almost full slate of merchants for the Vendors Mall!
Quilt Show Registration: Pat F
Deadline for registration of your quilts is September 9, 2010. Registration form can be found in the April/May issue of the newsletter or request an email
version by emailing her.
Toonie Table: Penny H
Penny is looking for donations of small quilted items for the Toonie Table. Money raised from the Toonie Table goes to buy supplies for the Outreach Program.
Tea Room: Lorraine S, Rachel M, Kim Z
Donations of baked goods for the Tea Room will be accepted at the September meeting.
Structure of the Executive Committee:
It has been brought up at a few executive meetings that some executive positions are a little more labour intensive than others. It was suggested that perhaps a restructuring of duties may be in order. However, any change to the Executive can only be done at an AGM with proper notice. Rose proposed that a committee to study the structure of a Quilters Guild Executive should be formed to make recommendations that can be voted on at the May 2011 AGM. Gail ML volunteered to head that committee. She will be looking for a few more volunteers to help in this endeavour. If you are interested in being on the committee please see Gail M-L.
Pillow Case Challenge
Micki A has asked our guild to take up the American Patchwork and Quilting One Million Pillowcase Challenge. All you have to do is make a couple of pillowcases for charity. We will be donating our pillowcases to Teen Challenge Farm (so no girly fabric for those) and Micki will be looking into finding a second charity, as well. The deadline for pillowcases will be our December 2010 meeting.
President’s Challenge
Just a reminder that there is only one month left for the big reveal of the London Challenge. These pieces will be collected and displayed as a welcoming gesture for those attending the CQA/ACC Quilt Ontario 2011 London event. The more we have the more impressive it will be!
May is the guild’s AGM. At this meeting, we elect our new slate of Executive members. Being on the Executive is a rewarding experience, you get a chance to know the guild from the inside out. It is team work! No one carries the burden alone! Perks include being the first to sign up for workshops! Being part of the planning of events (All Sunbonnet Sue, all the time! yes! what?outvoted?better luck next time!) Camraderie! Tea Parties, once a month, and of course there is the secret handshake! (nudge, nudge, wink, wink!) If you would like to try a term on the executive contact Rose B.
Penny reported another 27 quilts to CAS! Way to go!!