A Silk Road Adventure
Thursday, November 4, 2010 7:30 PM
Of all of the stops along the Silk Road, Uzbekistan is the one most renowned for its textiles.
Vedat Karadag, an inveterate and experienced traveller, is an enthusiastic promoter of the
appreciation of the Silk Road, its textiles and Oriental Rugs, and he loves to expose others to
the many varied aspects of Turkic culture, and to the history, food and artistic traditions of
Central Asia.
His degree from Ankara Gazi University is in business, but by the early 1980s, he had embarked
on his long love affair with textiles and rugs. He has been a participant and speaker at the meetings of many rug and textile societies in the USA, and has attended numerous international
textile conferences in Europe and America. He recently delivered a lecture at the Metropolitan
Museum of Art in New York, and regularly works with textile museums in Washington, Santa Fe
and many other places in the US.
He will talk to The Canadian Embroiderers’ Guild and guests about his travels to explore woven
and non-woven textiles and material culture in Uzbekistan, including ikat weaving, suzani
embroidery and a variety of other works produced by local artists. He will also show us a few of
the spectacular buildings of the area that are covered in the exquisite ceramic tiles produced by
local artisans.
Everyone welcome
St James Westminster Church, 115 Askin St., London
$5.00 admission at the door