The next meeting of the LFQG will be held Thursay, January 13, 2011. The speaker for the meeting is Helen Fujiki. There will also be a Fuji Wa workshop on January 14th . There are still a few spaces available for this workshop.
Quilt til you Wilt retreat location will be announced. The cost is $70.00 so bring your cheque books along to sign up.
Advance notices: Kid’s Quilt Marathon is January 29th. The annual Rummage sale will take place at the February meeting and a leaf bowl workshop will be held on Feb. 11th.
The President’s Challenge will also be available at the meeting if you did not receive yours in December.
Remember to take:
* Notion of the month– snowflake – use your imagination 🙂
* Show and tell –
* Cheque book to sign up for workshops & Quilt til you Wilt
* Postcards
* Money for draw tickets (The draw prizes are awesome!)