The next meeting of the London Friendship Quilt Guild will be held Thursday, April 14th at 7:00 p.m. at St. George’s Presbyterian Church on Dundas Street. Our guest speaker for the evening is Bev White from Port Elgin, ON and she will be speaking on Crazy Quilts.
There will also be an opportunity to sign up for her Crazy Quilt class on Friday, April 15th. Click here for information on this class and what you will need to bring for the class.
Nominations will be accepted for Vice President, Quilt Show Coordinator, Program Committee, Membership, Library and Newsletter. If you were missed with a call this weekend, your questions can be answered at the meeting :-).
A discussion will also be held on the revised constitution, so bring your questions and suggestions. Copies will be available for those who did not receive one. Voting will take place in May.
Don’t forget…….
Notion of the month – Daffodil yellow
Change and Chequebook for signups and tickets
Name tag and library books
Reminder: Are you all working on your President’s Challenge? There are more kits/instructions available. They are due in one month!