Next Meeting – February 9, 2012

The next meeting of the London Friendship Quilt Guild will be held this Thursday, Feb. 9, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at St. George’s Church on Dundas Street. Our speaker for the evening will update us on the Barn Quilt project .

NOTION OF THE MONTH: The notion of the month is a little unique this time. Apparently, Thursday is national sweater day and the idea is to wear a sweater and turn down the heat to save the planet :-). Here is a you tube video which will tell you all about this day:

So, wear your sweaters and you will be entered into a draw to win a prize!

We will be having a rummage sale and all funds raised are for the charity quilts projects. This is your chance to clean out your sewing room and bring along items that you are ‘never going to get around to using’. Some ideas: fabric, quilt books, patterns, rulers, tools, notions; anything that a quilter could use.

Please remember to bring:
* 6 ½ X 12 ½” rectangles as a contribution for the quilts of valor project, in fall colours of brown, red, gold, and green
* library books
* magazines to donate and money to purchase these
* Rummage sale items, priced and money to purchase items from the rummage sale
* cheque book to sign up for workshops
* show and tell
* name tag

There are still a few spots left for Quilt til you Wilt on Feb. 18th at the Stoneridge Inn.

Our Quilt show is back on track under the enthusiastic leadership of Pat! Dates are October 26 and 27, 2012. This is a great opportunity to finish those UFO’s and get them shown in the Quilt show!! Registration forms will be available in March. Lots of volunteers are needed for the show as well.

SPINNING FOUR PATCH WORKSHOP has been rescheduled for March 31st. from 9:00 to 4:00.

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