The following is a note from our President Micki A.
Hello everyone: I hope all of you have enjoyed the summer . It always goes by so quickly. I have been busy keeping up with grass cutting and weeding and even managed to get a little quilting done as well. We have posted the registration and volunteer forms on the sidebar of our blog. If each of you would please fill them out and return, via email or mail, to Amalia by the due date, your name will go into a draw for a free membership. Again I would ask that each of you volunteer to do ONE job, ONE time for this year. Many hands make light the work. Also a reminder for those members who went on the bus trip, don’t forget to bring along your challenge to win a prize. Enjoy the rest of the month, and see you soon for guild on September 11th.
Micki A.
The registration forms for guild membership and volunteering are on the right sidebar immediately under the guild address.