Upcoming October Meeting

The next meeting of the London Friendship Quilters Guild will be held
Thursday, October 9th, 2014
7.00 PM
at St George’s Church on Dundas St
The Speaker for our October meeting is Susan Bowslaugh. Susan is from the Niagara area.  She is a member of both the Niagara Heritage and the Niagara Modern Guilds. 
Her lecture is titled “From Traditional to Modern”.  Susan will also be teaching a Workshop on Friday, October 10th, titled “Crosses Quilt”.
Susan’s “Crosses Quilt”

Quilt Show Update


 Charlene, Quilt Show Chairperson has written the following update:

We are in our final countdown before quilt show and wish to remind everyone of the following:

1)  Our tea room committee is looking for donations of baked goods to be served to our guests during the quilt show. 
They have specifically asked for finger type foods (that kind that require no forks  to eat). Anything brought to the meeting on Thursday will be kept frozen until the quilt show.  Donations can also be brought directly to Oakridge Presbyterian Church on Thursday Oct 16th during set up.

2)  We will accept last minute entries to the quilt show on Thursday. Please bring completed quilt show registration forms to the meeting.

3)  We ask that members bring all sold and unsold raffle tickets to the guild meeting.  Tiny Campbell will be collecting these. We are required to account for all tickets and appreciate everyone’s help with this.

 4)  The volunteer list will be at the meeting  — if you haven’t signed up yet please do so.  There are several spots where assistance is still needed.  We are still looking for  volunteers to help setup at the Church on Thursday  — we would especially appreciate if anyone has a husband, boyfriend, son or brother who can help with some of the heavier aspects of setup.

 5) We are also in need of a few Step ladders (the taller ones) to be used during setup.  If you have one we can borrow please contact Charlene at char8892@hotmail.com

6)  Quilt drop off will be Wednesday Oct 15th at Oakridge Presbyterian Church from
1 pm to 7 pm.  Please bring all quilts for the show on that day.

 7) Quilts can be picked up after the show on Sunday October 18th from 1:30 to 4:30 at the home of Amalia Samakis, 1026 Blackmaple Court, London Ontario.


Information for the Meeting:

** Bring in all Sold and Unsold Raffle tickets 

**If you haven’t already sent them in, bring in your registration forms for the quilt show.

**Sign up sheets will be available for volunteering for the quilt show-see Edith to sign up
**Bring in donations for the “Guild Boutique Table” at the Quilt Show
**Bring in Baked Goods for the Tea Room at the Quilt Show

**Sign-up sheets for the following will be available:
 Oct 9-workshop with Susan Bowslaugh-“Crosses Quilt”
 Nov 28,29-Sew in Days
 Canadiana Mystery Row Quilt
 Jan 9 or Jan 10 (same workshop being held on 2 different days)-
workshop with Deborah Beirnes- “Scrap Magic Workshop”
Bring your cheque book or cash if you are planning on signing up for any or all of these activities.
**Bring in any Outreach quilts or pillowcases that you have been working.
**The Outreach Committee will have new quilt and pillowcase kits available to take home to work   on
**Bring “Show and Tell”-because of how busy this meeting is going to be, please limit your Show and Tell to 2 items.

Receive a draw ticket (for a fat quarter) for bringing each of the following items:
*Notion of the Month-a Pumpkin (a real one, a pumpkin quilt, a fabric pumpkin-whatever you have)
*Name tag
See you at the meeting!!!


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