President Micki A. was back from her winter vacation on the Bruce Peninsula and she chaired an interesting meeting. She informed us that several guild members have expressed an interest in becoming members of the executive for the quilting year 2015-16. The only position that no one has so far showed an interest in chairing is the Program Committee. Lynda W. has agreed to head a committee that will contact by phone all members of the guild regarding holding a position on the executive.
Micki had Nancy P. come up to the front to show us her Chatelaine. Free patterns were available for the Chatelaine at the Welcome table. Micki discussed the uses of the Chatelaine, one of which is a ticket for the fat quarter draw!
Nancy P.’s Chatelaine |
Mibsie B. spoke to us about Quilts of Valour and asked for volunteers to piece QOV from kits that she had prepared. There are also some QOV tops sewn together that need to be quilted.
Mibsie B talking about QOV |
The vendor for our meeting was Michelle from Kallisti Quilts in Waterloo. There was a lot of interest in the Japanese and African fabrics that are Michelle’s specialty.
Michelle from Kallisti Quilts |
After break, June Klassen (a Lifetime Member of LFQG) presented a Trunk Show of her quilts.
June K.’s Trunk Show |
It was interesting to find a picture of a block that June had made in 1990 in one of our guild albums (in the library). This block was selected to be in the “Friendship Quilt” made by Halton Quilt Guild that was the subject of the last blog post. June showed us a sampling of her wonderful quilts and explained the different techniques she used in making her quilts including English paper piecing, 3D fabric flowers, hand and machine quilting and many more. Of particular interest was her “Lifetime Quilt” that is still a work in progress. Many thanks to June for the inspiration and for all the knowledge and encouragement she has provided to guild!
June’s paper pieced Christmas Cactus Quilt |
June’s “Lifetime Quilt” |
June’s Celtic Interlace Quilt |
June explaining about documenting her quilts |
To see more of June’s quilts click here.
After June’s talk, we had “Show and Tell” and the drawing of the tickets for fat quarters and the gift basket.
Jacqui VMS with the quilt she made from vintage Grandmothers’ Flower Blocks |
Lynda W. and her “Masculine” Quilt |
Christine G with her Table Topper |
To see more pictures of the meeting click here.