Information for April’s Meeting

This month’s speaker is Joni Newman. She has a website called Quirks and Quilts. Joni will be giving a talk at the Thursday evening meeting and the a workshop teaching her stained glass technique on Friday. Our vendor for the evening will be Joan from Sew Creative in Mt. Bridges.

The Outreach committee is requesting some donations of fabric strips. To be specific they are requesting
A:    one strip of fabric cut at 2 1/2 inches across the full width of the fabric, so it would measure 2 1/2 x 40-ish. This one strip would be a neutral cream or white solid or tone on tone.
B:   two strips cut from the same fabric in either dark or medium tones. These strips from the same fabric would need to measure 2 1/2 inches across the full width of the fabric. So, that would be two  strips 2 1/2 x 40-ish inches. I say 40-ish because width of fabric can be anywhere from 40 to 44 inches wide. Please bring these with you to the meeting.

The banquet has been booked this year at the Fanshawe College Student Union Cafe on June 9th, starting at 6 pm. More information will be available at the meeting. Tickets are $40.00.

Both the Programme Committee and the Outreach Committee are looking for volunteers for next year. Please think about serving on one of these committees. What happens in our meetings, the speakers and the workshops are all planned by the Programme Committee. They need 4 or 5 people to work with them for ideas on speakers and activities. It’s amazing how the ideas develop when there is a group of quilters in the room. This was the first committee I served on as a new and very shy guild member, and it was an amazing experience. Please think about it and approach Lorna Martin or Susan Day.
Also, for the Outreach Committee, some of the quilts that go out from them are donated, but they also among themselves do quite a bit of sewing. Then there are the fabrics to cut, the quilt batts and backings to get together and sandwiched so the quilts can go out for quilting. If you can donate some of your time to the sewing and assembly of the various projects that the work on, please consider working with them. Please approach Lorna Martin or Edith Ward if you can give them some of your time.

Our notion of the month is two six inch squares of quilter’s cotton fabric. These will be used as Quilters’ Candy at the quilt show. As usual, wear your name tag, bring your chatelaine and the quilt squares for the blog sampler and receive free tickets for the fat quarter draws.

See you Thursday.

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