I received a request from Lorraine that I put up a reminder about our year end banquet and let you know that tickets are still available. It will be held Thursday, June 9th at Fanshawe College’s Oasis Cafe, beginning around 6pm. Dinner will be at 7pm. This year’s speakers are Judy Pearce and Louise Miller, members of the organizing committee for the New Hamburg Mennonite Relief Sale and Quilt Auction. Judy and Louise will be showing photos of same of the amazing quilts from this year’s auction. To find out more about the auction, you can check out the link at https://nhmrs.com. Tickets are $40.00 and members are welcome to bring a guest. Tickets for the banquet can be purchased until June 1st by emailing. vlorrainej@aol.com Here’s a map of the Fanshawe College Campus. The Cafe is up in the top of the map, just to the left of centre, in the yellowish square marked SC.