Mid-summer reminders and news

Our president, Lorna, and also the programme committee and quilt show committee have asked for a few reminders to be posted onto the blog.

Unfortunately, due to the June 30th fire at the plaza in Hyde Park, Cornerstone Quilts is closed. We are thinking of Judy as she deals with this devastating event.

A reminder about our free Sewing Day at the church on July 23 from 9:00 to 4:00. Bring your own lunch and stay for the day or drop in for a few hours. Work on your own projects or help with some community outreach and comfort quilts sewing. It’s a great opportunity to meet some new friends and catch up with old acquaintances. If you are coming, would you please check out the blocks for the comfort quilts, posted here. The current colours and the link to the instructions are on that page. Please make up a few, if you can, and bring them with you. We’ll be putting some quilts together from the blocks.

We hope you are working on your challenge piece to celebrate 35 years of London Friendship Quilters Guild. Use your own interpretation of the theme
  35 and create a small quilt no bigger than 70 inches in total perimeter. Please attach a short explanation of your design and bring it to the September meeting. Do not attach your name to the quilt. Members will have an opportunity to vote for their favourite piece. These challenge quilts will be on display at our quilt show in October.

The quilt show registration form is on the blog. Print off copies, and consider which of your quilts you would like to enter into the show.

Charlene O. appreciates your help in distributing bookmarks to quilt shops etc. Please let her know about locations you have covered and contact her if you need more bookmarks.

We are looking for members who would be willing to do techniques demonstrations at the quilt show e.g. basting a quilt, paper piecing, hand piecing, hand quilting. Please contact Julia C.

If you completed your Canadiana Row Quilt, please consider entering it in the show. We would like a display of these wonderful quilts.

Thanks everyone.

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