January 2017 meeting info

Good afternoon, everyone.  Our first meeting of the new year is happening on the 12th.

Our speaker for this month, Andrea Manias, has had to cancel both her trunk show and her workshop for January. We are hoping to re-book her for later in the year, perhaps April.

Joan Hilhorst from Sew Creative in Mt Brydges will be the vendor.

There are four kits made up for the Veterans’ Poppy Quilts for the palliative care rooms at Parkwood Hospital. If you are a part of a group that gets together to sew, would you consider taking one of these kits to put together a top. It is a very easy and fast pattern to do. The kits with the fabric and the pattern will be available at the meeting.

Please bring with you your Friendship Star blocks for the comfort quilts, using the current colours black/white/coloured centre square, instructions and pictures found here. If you have purple ones, as well, bring those too.

The notion of the month is a snowflake. As always, remember your name tag and your chatelaine for free tickets for the fat quarter draws.

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