I will be posting instead of Cathy, this month. I did not realize this at the start of the meeting and did not take notes of the AGM, the details of the new executive will have to wait for another day. I did take photos of the Guild Challenge and our guest speaker and that is what I will present here.
Each year the guild offers a guild challenge and this year it was to commemorate Canada’s 150th birthday. Lorraine S introduced our guest speaker Mildred Caldwell, a retired school teacher who showed us her mother’s handmade Centennial quilt from 1967. Her quilt was so popular, her mother made 3 of them in one summer!
14 guild members took on the challenge to make a quilted item that was to be 150 cm in circumference and had to feature an item that represented a Canadian story. Each quilt had a story attached. The membership voted on the quilts at break time and after break the entrants each presented their quilts. The winners were: