January 11, 2018 first Guild meeting of the year.
- Dorothy Fu is the guest speaker and the following day , January 12th she will hold a workshop “Art Quilt: Cardinal” (picture posted). DUE TO SUPPLY LIST REQUIRED IT’S IMPERATIVE THAT IF YOU WANT TO TAKE THIS WORKSHOP THAT YOU SIGN UP NOW, IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY.
- CONTACT KIM ZWICKER. EMAIL: kjzwicker1164@live.ca
- The workshop will be held at the Church, 9 am to 4 pm. Cost $ 40 plus $ 10 in materials. Bring your own lunch and there’s still time to sign up for this workshop.
- Vendor is “My Stash
- The notion of the month is “A Cup of Warmth” to be donated to the Men’s Mission ( i.e. cup of soup, hot chocolate or a $5.00 Tim Hortons card)
- don’t forget to bring your name tag and Chatelaine.