Brenda from Among Brenda’s Quilts and Bags will be our guest speaker in March.
Early in 2014, and again in 2015,
Brenda, from Among Brenda’s Quilts & Bags was invited to promote the art of quitting and bag making to the Chinese people in China’s textile city Shaozing. Hear the surprising story of how she was chosen to represent Canada in China. Listen to her talk about her travels, the people she met and about her impressions of quilting in the area. See the 52 items shown in China from Brenda’s own design collection while there. Learn a little about doing business in China while enjoying 183 full color slides. Spend a fun filled hour, punctuated with lots of laughs while finding out about a whole new world of quilting.
She will be hosting a bag making workshop the next day. Check out her web site for a taste of what’s to come. (specific bag to be made is still being determined – stay tuned)
Contact Kim Zwicker to register for this exciting workshop.
Knit Stitch will be our vendor, but please note that she doesn’t have facilities to accept debit/credit….so cash only
Don’t forget to bring:
Name tag
Notion of the Month: wear something that’s green.