executive positions for next year

Hello everyone

Hope you are doing well during this time.  Many are sewing masks and scrub hats…  Be sure to take time for your own quilting  and the Outreach program…

Mary, our Vice Prez has asked me to post about the executive positions that are not filled for next year.  Normally we have an election at the May meeting.

Being on the executive is fun and when you get involved you make new friends. We need a Social Media Coordinator, a Secretary and Membership Coordinator.  I am posting the requirements for each executive position.  If you would like to put forth your name please email Mary marymw1919@gmail.com   Please consider being part of the executive and know that training will be provided.

Secretary: Note that the Secretary must have access to a computer with internet and have appropriate computer skills.
• Record the minutes of all Executive and Guild meetings, distribute minutes to the Executive, and make minutes available to all Guild members via the Guild minutes binder in the library.
 • Record the minutes of the annual general meeting.
 • Maintain a file of all minutes, reports, correspondence and inquiries for future use.
• A copy of the annual report and the amended constitution is to be put into the Guild binders in the library.
• Select and distribute cards, letters, etc. to members on appropriate occasions.
• Pick up the mail from the post office box for distribution. Cheques should go to Treasurer, membership applications to Membership Coordinator along with a summary of cheques and membership applications. All other mail to be forwarded to the President for distribution.
• Receive annual reports from other Executive members and prepare the annual report.
 • Assists with LFQG Facebook group administration.

Membership Coordinator: Note: Membership Coordinator must have access to a computer with internet and have appropriate computer skills.
• Collect dues from all members and guests and give all money/cheques collected to the Treasurer for deposit along with a list of paid members.
• Responsible for obtaining name tags for members of the Guild.
 • Keep up-to-date records of all members including addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses. • Prepare membership registration forms annually and send to Social Media Coordinator.
• Prepare and distribute an annual membership list by the November meeting.
• Provide new members with a welcome package which includes a printed copy of the Constitution, and other relevant Guild information.

Social Media Coordinator: Note: Social Media Coordinator must have access to a computer with internet and appropriate computer skills. A digital camera is provided by the Guild for the Social media coordinator to use for Guild purposes only.
 • Inform membership of upcoming meetings and events. Posts photos, and documents any events that the Guild hosts, including meeting cancellations.
• Maintain the layout of the blog, including the links of advertisers, upcoming events, Guild members’ blogs and quilt shows, etc.
• Work with the Executive to collect and publish information that would be of interest to the membership.
 • Maintain the integrity of LFQG Facebook group.

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