Thank you, ladies, for bringing your secret notion to the last meeting! By a show of hands, there were quite a few, although all did not make it into the above photo!

There are a few corrections to the newsletter handed out on Thursday, that you may want to take note of. Those who were not at the meeting, will be receiving the corrections with the newsletter in the mail.

First Barb’s Stitch ‘n Bitch at her cottage is on Saturday, April 28 (not the 23rd). If you are interested in going, please RSVP Barb Attard by email or phone.
Second, some of the new guild email addresses were printed incorrectly in the newsletter (my fault, not Christine’s). They are correct on the web page, though. The correct addresses are:


Christine and I would like to apologize for the above errors and if you spot anything else, please let us know.

Guest Speaker
Lisa Hill was our guest speaker on Thursday, and she did a wonderful job of showing off her “Gizmos & Gadgets”. If you can’t find that certain tool for a certain job, drop her an email, she probably has it! Her homebased business, Soft Impressions by Lisa, specializes in quilting tools, notions and books, and because of low overhead, she can offer her products at competive prices. She carries books from AQS, C&T, and Patchwork Place. Her contact info is:

Lisa Hill
94 Canal St E
Tilbury, ON, N0P 2L0
519-682-4353 or fax 519-682-0602

This just in!….
For those of you who attended the Robyn Pandolph workshop, you might remember that she recommended Guterman Silk thread over other brands, as her preference, for applique. We then had a discussion of how hard it was to find in London. The Marsh Store has announced they will try and get some in. You can email them with orders and colour preferences at You can view the variety of colours here.

Also, for the Russian Quilt Exhibit in October 2007, sponsored by Cotton-by-Post, the workshops and lectures are now posted on their website and you can reserve your spot now. Garnet will be at next month’s meeting to give us more details about the workshops and bring us some samples to look at. All the workshops can be viewed here and the rest of the daily events can be found here.

They emailed us this information:
The Advance tickets for the quilt show and slide show/lecture are $15.00 which is a savings of $7.00. The advance tickets for the fashion show are $10.00, $11.00 at the door. The advance tickets for the Russian Gala are $20.00 which is a savings of $5.00 per person. All the events have limited seating (except the quilt show) so reserve your tickets soon.

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